Diet & Weight Loss Programme

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Generic and the Name Brand Drug

Generic drugs are not much different from their name brand successor. The drugs are carefully regulated in exactly the same way so that they can contain the same amount of active ingredient as well as be suitable in the way they are produced. They need to be just like the original.

Generic drugs will have a patent once that has expired or in some cases are different enough from the original but still do the same type of job.

Generic drugs have a smaller manufacture and costs are usually less expensive so that we are able to afford them easier. This means that they are going to be more available to those in other countries. The generic drug must be proven to be bioequivalent to the branded alternative i.e. releases the same amount of active ingredient over the same amount of time.

The differences are going to be in the presentation of the drug like a brand name drug may produce pills that have a nicer color or taste. However the generic version will usually contain a little more of the active ingredient.

There is little difference to the patient between the name brand and the generic. Both have to get through the same regulators and pass the same tests. Generics have a few advantages over the name brand pricier drugs.

The name brand is often the first of it’s type to be made and this is why the company spends a lot of money on making, testing and patenting the new drug and this is why they are more costly.

"Life is short and we should live for it"

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Aloeride Helps Your Immune System

Aloeride with the compounds of Aloe Barbarensis Miller works to improve the functioning of the immune system. When looking at the immune system, you will see it is almost as complex as your nervous system. When you think about the trillions of cells, which make up our bodies and how they work to protect us using a method of communication to all the different cell types, which makes up just our immune system. These cells will then activate or deactivate chemical processes, which is all quite confusing to most lay persons.

The immune system’s basic job is to discriminate between self and non-self entities, which is to say things that belong and those that don’t belong. Examples of some the things, which do not belong are sugar protein covering a virus, or the cell wall of a bacterium. When the immune system is working correctly, it will react promptly to invading things, which do not belong in several different ways in order to get rid of the foreign body. There are times during the course of our life when our immune system will stop working, as it should. When this happens the immune system will be unable to tell the difference between the things, which belong and those, which don’t and will begin to eject the things, which do belong and are necessary to the body.

This group of diseases is known as the autoimmune disease. Examples of this type of disease are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosis, and ulcerative colitis just to name a few. When a substance has been identified as an immune booster, we have found something, which is very valuable because it helps the immune system to react as it should and regulates the cellular and humoral immune functions.

The immune system recognizes, identifies and remembers the things it comes across. The humoral refers to material, which is dissolved in plasma, serum, extracellular fluid spaces, which includes what the immune system cells produce as a reaction to certain signals made by invaders and then released into the serum, plasma or the fluid surrounding cells of tissues and organs as a way to protect them. These substances are a form of signals, which create other effects, or they can become protein molecules, which are also known as antibodies, which attach themselves only to certain targets the ones they were created for. Once they have attached themselves the antibody attracts other cells of the immune system. The other come and the target is destroyed, which then releases another molecules to signal other cells to come clean-up the mess.

All the cells, which respond to signal and have certain tasks to perform such as identify, recognize, remember, signal, destroy, and clean up are the all part of the cellular community of the immune system and its function. Without the work of these cells we would be sick a lot more often than we are. Aloeride is a substance, which gives our immune system the boost it needs to ensure it stays in good working order.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Why are you skinny though you eat much?

Why are you skinny though you eat much?
(People have varied metabolic rates)

There may be something of mystery to you. The situation is: you eat like hungry as a bear and think of no weight-loss programs because you do not need one since your body is like skin plus bone… In dieting, the concern of weight control is not the mere issue. There are individuals who wish to have rounder butt and not to walk like walking skeletal systems around.

Why do body shapes and sizes vary?

They vary because we have different metabolism or metabolic rates to be specific. Our age, sex, amount of muscle compared to fat, and the amount of exercise we do in our daily living are different and they are the determinants of metabolic rate. These things make our body shape different from each other too. It does not mean that if one looks thin, it means that she is so choosy when it comes to food. There are instances of genetic or hormonal factors affecting metabolism too. That is why it is a wonder for some when a person eats in tons but he or she stays slim.

If compared to females, males have higher metabolic rate to females because of testosterone or male hormones. As we know testosterone is responsible for all the so-called “manly matters” among the men’s physiological aspect. It includes the growth of muscles. And by nature, males are born with more muscles than females. This makes them have higher metabolic rates than the females who have estrogen and progesterone as sex hormones.

As to age, adults have lower metabolic rates than infants, children and teenagers. This is because of the fact that the latter age groups have more active growth hormones in their stage of life. Actually, research show that human growth hormone is not prescribed for matured adults because they will just suffer from negative consequences. This is only prescribed for children that are not of normal growing rate.

Is there also an increase of metabolic rates for females?

Women have higher metabolic rates when they are pregnant and more when they are breastfeeding. However, this plunges down when they menopause. For them to maintain higher-than-normal metabolic rates, daily exercise would be a huge help. Doing so would increase the amount of muscles so, metabolic rate is increased too.

Is exercising in the evening better than other times of the day?

It does not matter at all. No research neither studies shows that the time of the day affects the effect of the exercise to the body. Doing it whenever you are free and comfortable is always the best idea. Doing it three to five times a week would indeed give you better results.
Still bothered why your little-eater friend looks like as if he ate all the food you swallowed all these times? We hope that upon reading on you have realized the key points and hopefully do what is best for you to meet your metabolic rate needs in having the weight you have been waiting for.

"Life is short and we should live for it"

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